Tuesday, December 16, 2008

gloom everywhere

2008 has been a great year for me, its the year when my sister got engaged, I first landed on foreign soil, performed great professionally, went on a Goa trip (finally !!!) but towards the end of things have started to look a lot gloomy .. and for multiple reasons
1. Constant thoughts of 'Am I in the right place?'
2. Screwed CAT
3. Closely missed a promotion
4. My Car's been in service center for almost a month now
5. My new camera has stopped functioning
6. I have been on beach for over 3 months now
probably i have become very materialistic offlate and this recession is a time when i can sit down and rethink of what i want out of my life ... should things like car and camera matter so much to me .. there's a lot to think about, i just hope i come out with the right answers before it gets too late

1 comment:

Santosh Biradar said...

kya yaar... ek saal mein ek post.. chahe koi padhe na padhe post toh karte reh kuch nayi nayi cheezein..